Are you looking to improve your visibility on social media? Improved reach and visibility on the different social platforms is something most businesses want, but don’t always know how to achieve.

But it doesn’t have to be hard! Here are 5 simple ways you can improve your visibility and grow your social media presence, without being on there 24/7.

Tip #1: Optimise your profile to improve your visibility

One of the simplest ways to improve your visibility on social media is to optimise your profile. Does your profile make it clear who you work with and what you do? It’s also important it has a call to action in there somewhere, such as clicking through to your lead magnet or website. If you have several things you want to give as an option, set up a link-through page with all the options on it. And if location is important, add that in too.

There’s so much you can do to improve your profile itself, so make it a habit of checking it regularly to update links, especially links to offers and blog posts. Whilst you’re checking it through, make sure you use a good photo of you and are consistent with your profile descriptions.

Tip #2: Engage with your audience and other people

Engaging with others is another simple way to improve visibility. Are you responding to comments and messages, or do you quietly appreciate them and move on? Remember, social media is meant to be social, so respond to any interaction on your posts.

Wondering how to create engagement and build meaningful relationships? Start conversations by using talking points, such as your opinion on something, asking questions, posting polls and using the interactive features within the platforms. And don’t be afraid to jump into DMs with a message or voice note – just don’t be spammy with this! It’s an ideal opportunity to find out about the other person, not openly promote yourself!

Tip #3: Improve your visibility by sharing other people’s content

Another way to create engagement whilst growing visibility is to share other people’s content. This helps get your name in front of that person and their followers, too. But make sure you’re following etiquette rules by attributing content to its creator.

Why not have a regular roundup post or create a story with people you recommend others follow? It’s a great way to spread the love, promote other people and showcase how great you are at connecting people with useful content and accounts.

Tip #4: Focus on quality, not quantity

You don’t need to be on social media 24/7. There are some people who recommend you post an insane number of posts each day and that’s simply not needed (or useful!). It’s far better to focus on posting consistently at a rate that is maintainable for you. Why? Because you’re more likely to keep it up! Posting sporadically is only going to make you look inconsistent, and the algorithm will not be your friend.

Also, look to create posts of quality. This is easier to achieve if you create a content calendar to help you plan and batch create content. And if you’re creating great content, you want to ensure you’re posting at the right time for your audience – so make sure you check out your analytics to find the best times to post.

Tip #5: Work on your branding

Your branding is an important aspect of visibility and great content. You need content that’s clear and consistent – but your branding needs to fit that bill too. Ensure you’re mindfully using suitable colours and fonts, picking suitable images and creating templates that will become synonymous with you.

But also, put you into your branding! Put your face out there with photos and videos. Share you and your life with your audience and let them get to see who the person is behind the business.

Bonus tip: Know your audience

The thing about visibility is it means nothing if you’re not engaging with the right audience. That’s why it’s crucial that you know your audience – their likes and dislikes, interests and desires, goals and sticking points. Don’t be afraid to connect with the emotions they’re experiencing and share how much you know and can relate with them.

And interact with them directly. Pick one ideal person avatar and post content that resonates with that person. You can never know enough about your audience, so ask questions and post surveys and polls etc and connect and collaborate with other people who are tapped into the audience you want. Collaborate with them, create posts of value, and engage with their posts. Not only will this help you appear associated with them, but it also helps you potentially gain followers too.

If you’re looking for some help with your social media, why not get in touch? We’re a team of VAs who are passionate about helping business owners just like you; people who are eager to grow a business and raise their business profile online. So why not reach out and let’s talk about potential solutions and how we can help you manage your social media more effectively and productively. You’ll find our contact information here.