How to get your 10k steps in while working remotely

As a remote worker, there is a chance that you will find it extremely difficult to make time to get into a proper exercise routine or achieve the fitness goals that you set out for yourself.

This would be more difficult to establish if you are a business owner, due to the work-related expectations taking up your time, but by following the below strategies, we will help you with ways to maintain your fitness goals while working.

Establish a work-life balance

When you are working from home, it is difficult to get exercise sessions in, unless you establish a proper work-life balance.

  • Set boundaries: You need to be able to draw the line between work and personal time. By establishing these boundaries, you will be able to make the appropriate time to create a work-life balance and implement a suitable workout routine into your day.
  • Create a routine for yourself: By establishing a routine, you will be able to enforce your boundaries better. Allocate time for work-related tasks and time for personal-related tasks. By doing so, you will find that you have a better time organizing your schedule to fit in a workout.
  • Get assistance: One of the ways to make the most of your time is to get help with arranging and organizing your tasks. As a remote businessman, you’d benefit from the help of a virtual assistant, and you’ll be able to organize your time better.

A morning or afternoon jog to help you get to 10K Steps

Once you achieve a suitable work-life balance you will be able to implement an exercise routine that can help you get your 10K steps in with ease.

One such routine is taking a jog or walk whenever you have time off during the day.

If you’re able to get out in the mornings or evenings for about an hour, you can work in a jog or walk that is around 8 kilometers or longer.

The distance you walk and the amount of steps you take is dependent on your pace. It’ll take you about 1400 steps to cover a kilometer, and this changes if you decide to run instead. You’ll now cover the same distance in a shorter amount of steps, this equates to just over 1000 steps per kilometer.

Getting in your 10K Steps at Home

If you are unable to make the time to go for a run, you can do some activities at home, which are possible to do while you are working. All you need to do is have an accessible treadmill to use at home for walking. You can set up a slow walk while making calls or answering emails. Due to the flexibility of having a treadmill at home, you are able to use it late at night or early in the morning, especially if you don’t have any free time during the day.

Combination exercises to use

Make a mix of using a home treadmill and outdoor walking or jogging sessions to reach your 10K step goals. This can be done at various parts of the day when you have random spurts of usable time. Break it up in a way you see fit to accommodate your schedule. For example, you can go for a half-hour run in the morning and two 15-minute stints on the treadmill during your break and after you clock off. The combinations can be changed in accordance with your schedule.

Other health and fitness tips to keep in mind

To keep your health and body in tip-top shape, these are some changes you can easily make.

  • Make healthier food decisions by cutting back on junk food.
  • Get in all your nutrients by taking vitamin supplements.
  • Take screen breaks to clear your mind, and regain focus on your tasks.
  • Meditate and practice other mindful activities to have a healthier mind and focus on your tasks better.
  • Make movements while you are at your desk to reduce stiffness in the body.
  • Download a health app to keep track of your fitness goals.


In order to maintain fitness goals while remote working, you need to make tangible changes, so that you can fit it into your daily routine. Make sure that you have a good work-life balance and help so that you can fit a reliable workout routine into your schedule. Also, make sure that you keep up with your health goals by making changes to your lifestyle while working from home.

In addition, working with an agency like Virtual Hand will enable you to get more time in your day. If this appeals get in touch and we can discuss the opportunities for you.

Guest Blog by:

Isabella Williams
Isabella is an experienced human resources professional and is passionate about employee wellness and mental health in the workplace.