Content is king, especially if you are looking to grow your brand or business. There’s no doubt that a good blog can get you more traffic and sales, but creating great content might be a daunting task for some people. If this sounds like you, then let’s talk about ways on how to create content that’s easy for people to consume and share.

#1: Be clear and direct

Talk about what you know —you are the expert at what you do, and yes, others do want to know about it. However, they don’t want to read an epilogue. So, keep it short and informative but not too technical or formal.

#2: Write blogs

If you have lots of things to say about one subject, why not write a blog. You can then create content around it, to support and promote it. Or you could use the content split it into several related posts across different social media platforms.

#3: Be yourself

Keep it balanced, you don’t have to write chapter and verse, you also don’t need to make everyone laugh, what you need to do is be yourself, be real and be relatable and be informative.

#4: Write your thoughts in a journal

Keep a notebook where you can jot down ideas for content. When you come across something that you find interesting, make a note. It can trigger ideas that you can then you can use as a basis for your writing.

#5: Be the expert

If you have any FAQ that your customers ask you about, these can be great for a quick win for short posts.

#6: Promote yourself

If you have won any awards, had any articles, or press releases published or undertaken something for charity, these can make great topical posts. Remember to add links to any articles, charities etc.

#7: Celebrate wins

Celebrate successes, but in a gentle way. By this we mean that we all love to hear about the success of others if it’s done in a palatable way, where it isn’t seen as crowing or bragging.

#8: Ask your audience about their content preferences

Speak to your clients, find out what they would like to know about what you do, especially if you are in the unique position of doing something unusual.

#9: Create a vlog

Not all content needs to be written, videos make great content, if you feel brave enough!

#10: Create a gallery of infographics

If you can’t face making a video, what about putting together an infographic explaining some of your business details, this can then be the focus of your written content, and if you make it something shareable that helps your clients, that’s an even better win.

#11: Use visuals

Finally, don’t forget to add pictures, they don’t have to be put on every post, but they do add another dimension to grab the interest of your target audience.

As you can see, there are many different ways to get started with content marketing. It’s a great way to build your business and reach new potential customers. It’s not as hard as it might seem and can be a very rewarding way of getting more business. If you are looking for help creating content, our team of VAs will be happy to help. We’re a team of dedicated people ready and willing to help you with all of your marketing and administrative needs. You’ll find out more about our marketing support options here, along with details on how to get in touch with us for an initial, informal chat about your needs.