It isn’t always easy to write business blogs. Many companies don’t even have a blog on their site, meaning they miss out on potential traffic growth opportunities. Others simply don’t know what to write about, so they use it to share their latest news. The problem with that is they often don’t have anything exciting or ‘newsy’ to ever share!

But if you’re looking to create a marketing strategy, blogging can be an essential part of it. Having a blog on your business website is a great way to encourage traffic to your site, build your mailing list and potentially turn browsers into buyers.

So if you’re looking to reap the rewards from blogging and want some good ideas to get started, here are the five blogs every business should include in their marketing strategy.

#1: Behind the scenes content

People buy from people they know, like and trust, and these behind the scenes blog posts are a great way to showcase who you are and what you do. The problem with this type of blog is it’s a category that business owners often struggle to fully understand. But if you think of it as a way to showcase you and your business, you’ll find it a lot easier.

So what kind of things can you include with a behind the scenes type of blog? Think about sharing details of what you’re working on or something coming soon. You can also illustrate the kind of person you are by sharing training you’re currently working through to improve your skills or offer more solutions to your clients. Also, showcase what you’re like as a person by sharing what’s happening in your life and the things you do in your spare time. You can also show how you uphold your business values and ethics, what you believe in and support, and what you’re working on, during and after business hours.

#2: Promotional blog posts

It’s a big mistake to let your sales pages do all of the promotional work on their own. Website visitors can be at different stages of the buying journey – from casual browsers to someone ready to purchase a solution, and they may not be prepared for a sales pitch right now. Promotional blog posts can help answer that one remaining question they may have or provide them with the additional information needed to make a more informed decision and move them along the buying journey.

So, what type of content can these blog posts cover? Anything from who your products or services are (and aren’t!) suitable for. You can also write about what’s included in your product, answer one or more of the top questions you get or simply state 10 reasons why your product is the right choice for them. But also look to create blogs that share details of special offers, bonuses and discounts you may currently have. Just remember to add in a call to action at the end, to point readers to your sales page for further information or to purchase!

#3: How-to blogs

Instructional blogs are a great way to drive visitors to your website. They are designed to help answer specific problems your ideal customer may have, so think about providing solutions to their biggest problems and pain points. But don’t forget those aspirations and dreams, as they’re essential, so also look to cover them in these how-to blog posts.

When writing how-to blogs, remember the different buying stages and cater for them all. So look to include some general how-to’s around awareness of their initial problem and more in-depth information designed for those considering potential solutions. You’ll also want to drive them towards making a purchase decision, so look to add in some blogs that give them the steps they need to have completed before they’re in a position to purchase your solution.

#4: Blogs that cover your FAQs

The longer you’re in business, the more likely you are to be asked questions about your business, products, values and ethics, your way of working and who you work with.  No matter what type of business you’re in, there is a whole range of frequently asked questions you could cover. So start noting the questions you get asked and keep adding to them. It will help you develop masses of potential blog post ideas for your business.

The beauty of this type of blog is that you can answer them in various ways, so think outside the box a little with your ideas. You could compile a top 5-10 list of reasons why you’re the best solution, write a comparison piece comparing your different products or create a simple Q&A style blog post. Look to also share your personal story about why you made it, or simply share the values and benefits behind one of your products or services.

#5: Client stories and testimonials

This is often the type of blog post that’s easily overlooked. Why? Because many business owners avoid ever asking clients for testimonials and case studies! But sharing these valuable stories and testimonials serves an important purpose. It enables you to show that what you offer works. Word of mouth and social proof are at play here, and when your clients share their results, they’re helping show that you’re trustworthy and worth listening to. They show you have a track record and highlight the type of results you can help clients achieve. In short, they illustrate beautifully that you know what you’re on about, know what you’re doing and can be trusted to do it.

So when it comes to client stories and testimonials, there are so many different options you can do. You can share results and wins your current clients are achieving. You can write a case study around a specific client or create a spotlight interview with that client. Another option is to share a testimonial and then summarise why you like working with this type of client and how that may look. Just remember, you need to ask the client’s permission before you share anything publicly about them that could identify them.

If you’re interested in having a blog for your business but are worried about the time it would take, we’re here to help! We’re a team of action-takers who can help ensure your brand gets the attention it deserves, whether writing blogs for you or taking over the reins of your online marketing. You can find out more about the marking support options available to you and our prices here.