Do you share your blogs on your social media platforms? Many business owners either forget or do it once and then move on to the next creation. But any content you create is valuable to your business, and it’s no different with your blog posts. You spend a lot of time creating something useful and educational for your audience, so you’ll want to get maximum exposure by sharing it on your social media platforms.

So here are five reasons why it’s so important for you to share your blogs on your different social media platforms and a few ideas you can try to help get you started.

#1: Share your blogs to drive traffic to your website

A blog is a great way to drive traffic to your website because search engines love new and updated content. Make each blog useful, and you’ll also raise engagement generally, as you’re showing how relevant and valuable you can be. This will help you move up the search engine rankings, as your content will be shown in more results.

To increase search engine likeability, make sure each blog post has the necessary SEO elements built into it. This includes meta descriptions, keywords, title, alt tags etc. Some plugins make this a lot easier to do; Yoast SEO is a popular plugin to use for this. These SEO elements are designed to help you rank better in those search engines so you can drive more traffic to your site.

#2: Use your blog content to build engagement on your social media platforms

The aim of your social media content is to get yourself in front of more people to grow your business. But if you spend the entire time promoting your services and products, you’re going to turn your audience off. That’s why you need to use content marketing to help build engagement. You’re then doing what’s needed to increase your visibility and engage your audience in conversations that are useful to them and beneficial to your ratings.

So how can you do this? Ask open questions, share your thoughts on topics and encourage blog and social media visitors to leave comments and engage with your content.

#3: Educate and entertain your audience with your blog content

One of the main reasons you’ll want to share your blog on social media is to give your followers and fans useful content that will help them with a problem, solution, or desire. Make it entertaining, too, as this type of content is more likely to get a reaction, share or comment, boosting your visibility and interactions.

Sharing educational and entertaining content isn’t just about building visibility; it also helps build on the know, like, trust elements of business. And people love people who are engaging and useful to them!

#4: Attract new clients to your business

Sharing content on your social media platforms helps you attract new audiences and potential clients. Content gets shared and discussed online, and those interactions help increase the likelihood of you showing up on other people’s feeds.

If you create shareworthy content and graphics, it gets shared on stories and reels. Images and memes will also be shared, and if you encourage sharing (via share buttons) on your website, direct links to your content will be shared and spread online, further promoting you to new clients and fans.

#5: Share your blogs to build brand awareness and trust

When you share your blog posts, you’re seen as a thought leader, an expert on your niche and the go-to person for answers and support. Reputation is everything online, and a blog enables you to build on this.

Word of mouth matters online, as does social proof. So, the more people see your content, the higher the likelihood of them sharing your blogs and resources, and the better it looks for you and your overall brand awareness.

10 simple ways to share your blogs on social media

The mistake many business owners make is creating a blog and then sharing it once on publication day. The key to your online visibility is maximising the content you create – and that means sharing your blogs as often as possible.

And there are so many different ways you can do that! So here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Create memes based on your content
  • Share snippets of text and quotes
  • Ask questions related to the topic and link to the main blog post
  • Share direct links to your blog posts – with and without images
  • Create a carousel of the main points and post it on Instagram
  • Talk through the topic on an Instagram reel
  • Go live on the subject and either summarise or expand on it
  • Answer general and follow-up questions on the blog topic
  • Create pins promoting your blog and share them on Pinterest
  • Create a video on the subject and share it on your YouTube channel

Finally, know that the above ideas aren’t just for your new blog posts. Look to reshare your old blogs, especially if they’re on evergreen subjects. Use the above ideas to drive traffic and breathe life into your back catalogue. Want more social media help? Here are some more social media tips to help you grow your business quickly.

Sharing content and creating social media posts can take time to create. That’s why it’s often something that business owners outsource to a team member or VA to manage on their behalf. So, if you’re looking to outsource your content creation, social media or business marketing generally, why not reach out? We can help provide the solutions you need to free up your time and give you the support to help take your business to the next level.