Do you love your job?
Life is good I tweet about how I love my job and therefore life is good. Do you take time to remember why you went into doing what you do? Is reality what you [...]
Life is good I tweet about how I love my job and therefore life is good. Do you take time to remember why you went into doing what you do? Is reality what you [...]
If you are a new business owner, and know that the holiday season is right around the corner, you might want to consider hiring an individual or a team of professionals to manage the business while you are away
These modern times have provided us with various technological advancements that were designed to help make our jobs easier, and faster However, this is not always the case, because there are a lot of [...]
Pressure in the workplace is good, because it helps to get things done; on the other hand, it can also work to your disadvantage, especially when there is too much pressure; causing overwhelm.
Running your own business can be a lot of fun. You are the boss, and it often feels like you are on top of the world, especially when things are running efficiently, and profits [...]
Without time, we won’t accomplish a lot in a day, and it will make us feel unproductive. This rings true, especially when you have your own business, because time equates to money. If you know how to properly utilize the hours you have in a day, you will also be able to make plenty of profit from it.
Following on from Overwhelm Techniques to Move Forward (Part 1) we were looking at some of the techniques you can use to move forward; get past those feelings of overwhelm and be in a [...]
‘Stop the world and let me catch up’ that was a frequent request of mine during the early times of being self-employed. I recall that feeling of loss of control, that stomach churning and [...]
You may already be working with a Virtual Assistant or perhaps this is something that has crossed your mind to look into further. Either way, you have recognised that an extra pair of hands can go a long way when it comes to supporting your business, and you know that turning to virtual support is a great way of moving your success forward.
Are you a naturally busy person? (But don't want to be classed as a busy fool?) Do you find yourself whether at work or play always buzzing around, never sitting down and taking time [...]