Businesses on and offline have all been impacted by the current pandemic. For many, it’s meant facing challenges and making difficult decisions about their business. But one thing you can’t fail to notice is that it’s a whole new world for many business owners.

All businesses, no matter how big or small, are having to adapt. Systems, processes and workflows are changing. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What it has enabled many business owners to do is embrace the online world and the technology available to them.

It’s a whole new world, one that’s opened up the business world to the following opportunities.

Working from home

Whilst many of us have been working from home for years, there a lot of businesses that are only just embracing this concept. It’s been something that many felt was too difficult to monitor or implement. But it’s opened up a whole new world for many workers. Whether you’re a business owner yourself or an employee, you’ve no doubt now experienced the many benefits it can bring to you.

Video calls

Online business mentors and coaches have been using video calls as their main communication source for a while. However, so many more people are now getting to grips with the likes of Zoom. And there are so many benefits you can glean from video calling. It’s perfect for those who prefer face-to-face communication, as they can still see and read other people. Those who need to make lots of sales calls are realising they can do so, without wasting time on commuting.

Virtual meetings

And of course, you can’t mention Zoom, without referencing virtual meetings. So many businesses are now realising you don’t have to spend hours in a conference room together! Not only is it time-consuming, but it’s also something that involves a financial commitment. There’s the cost of the meeting room (if you don’t have your own), then there’s the travel and the food, as well as having someone to take notes. A virtual meeting cuts out on all of that. It can be recorded too, so if you want notes, you can just get them transcribed from the recording.

Coworking calls

Although coworking calls aren’t yet commonplace, they’re an excellent way to work. Online business and networking groups tend to use them on a regular basis, and I think it’s only a matter of time before they are embraced on a wider scale. You’re jumping on a video call with other people, to work for a timed period (usually 45 minutes). They force you to stay focused on what you’re working on, as there’s no talking – but there’s the accountability element still in play.

Managing teams remotely

This is something a lot of business owners and team leaders are having to get to grips with. But with software such as Asana, ClickUp, Trello and even Dubsado, it’s made a lot easier for you to manage a team remotely. Each of these software solutions enables you to track progress, assign tasks and effectively manage projects and time.

Building a remote team

And if you hadn’t previously needed a remote team, now is the time to start embracing the concept. Virtual Assistants and outsourcers have been available for a while, but more and more business owners are realising how effective a remote team can be. They’re realising they no longer need to do everything themselves – and nor do they want to. Lockdown has allowed many the time to reassess how they run their business and manage their time. And this means taking on more help, so they can get the balance between business and home to a level that suits them.

Reassessing working conditions

The pandemic and lockdown have meant all businesses are having to reassess their working conditions. Even with lockdown easing, there are still extra responsibilities involved in keeping your employees and team members safe. And for many businesses, that means having them work from home.

It’s a chance to embrace a whole new world of opportunity. The chance to change how you’re working and running your business. It’s allowed you to cut unnecessary costs and invest your money in solutions that enable you to embrace the virtual and online world. But it’s also a chance to provide a less stressful and more flexible working solution for your employees and team members too.

Businesses on and offline have all been impacted by the current pandemic. For many, it’s meant facing challenges and making difficult decisions about their business. But it’s also opened up a world of opportunities, such as those detailed above.

And of course, if you’re ready to build a remote team for your business, take a look at the services we can provide. We can help you free up your time and implement the above solutions in your business, so why not check out how we can help you?