Outsourcing and working with a VA is something that many business owners still don’t fully understand. As a result, there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around online that not only belittle the work of Virtual Assistants, but also prevent those who need it getting the help they desperately deserve.

If you’re a business owner who’s looking for some additional help in your business, it can be difficult to get a clear understanding of what it’s like to work with a VA. So in an effort to alleviate your confusion and to clear up the misconceptions around working with a VA, here are the top 7 myths around it finally debunked!

VA Myth #1: Working with a VA is expensive

It can be, yes. But it depends on how many hours you need a VA for, along with the type of tasks you want them to do. There are also different types of VA, as many specialise in specific tasks and skills. And then there’s the level of experience to consider. With so many variables, it’s actually a lot easier to find a VA who is in your price range and able to accommodate however many or few hours you need them for.

VA Myth #2: VAs can only carry out administrative tasks

As mentioned above, VAs can carry out a whole range of different tasks. There are the more traditional types of Virtual Assistant who deal with emails and typing etc, but there are also many who specialise in skills such as graphic design, website management, social media management and video editing!

VA Myth #3: Work takes longer to complete because you’re outsourcing it

A VA is a business owner and a professional. The last thing they’re going to do is deliberately take their time on a project – as it’s their business and their reputation at stake. If anything, they’re more likely to get it completed faster and to a higher standard than an in-house employee! You and your VA will agree a timescale when you outsource the task – and the VA will deliver.

VA Myth #4: VAs are only a temporary solution

Virtual Assistants can be an incredibly cost-effective long-term solution to your business needs. You’re not having to pay for the traditional employee benefits (such as sickness and holiday pay, insurance and tax), and you’re only using them when you need them, so they’re a great long-term solution. Having said that, they can be a temporary solution too – including holiday cover or one-off project management etc. It really depends on what your business needs.

VA Myth #5: All VAs are the same

As mentioned above, VAs can specialise in so many different areas of business. They can also specialise in different skills and niches, with many providing project management and online business management solutions too. And that’s before we look at whether they’re more of a proactive or reactive VA – so you see, they come in lots of different guises!

VA Myth #6: VAs are more expensive than an employee

Outsourcing to a VA is actually a very cost-effective solution. Unlike an employee, you’re only paying for the time you need. You’re not having to fork out for employee perks, training, tax and insurance, holiday and sick pay. So even if their hourly rate is higher than that which you’d pay an employee, they still work out cheaper because of everything you’re not having to pay for.

VA Myth #7: As they’re virtual, you don’t need to communicate with them so much

If you want a productive working relationship with your Virtual Assistant, you’ll take the time to regularly communicate with them. All business relationships need communication to survive and grow, and the relationship with a VA is no different. You need to clearly communicate your needs when you handover tasks, you need to take the time to properly onboard them into your business and you also need to regularly check-in with them. This helps them feel part of your team but also enables you both to stay apprised of what’s going on and what needs to be improved to help the relationship work even better.

Bonus Myth: VAs are stay-at-home mums who like working in their pyjamas

Ouch! But seriously, this is just as bad as saying all artists wear weird outfits and all car salesmen are con artists. It’s just stereotyping at its worst. Yes, there are many VAs who are stay-at-home mums, but they’ll treat their business as professionally as anyone else. They’ve gone into business for themselves to get the flexibility to work around their children – not to have them sharing the video screen or screaming in the background when you’re on a Zoom call. Networking and socialising is also an important aspect of growing a VA business, so they’re very highly likely to be dressing the part of a professional, too.

Outsourcing and working with a VA is something that many business owners still don’t fully understand. As a result, there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around online, but I hope the points above have helped clear them up for you.

If you’re ready to get past those myths and see firsthand, what it’s really like to work with a VA, why not get in touch? We’re a team of professional VAs and experts, ready to help you get the business support you need – so book in an initial consultation call so we can discuss your requirements and see how best we can support you!