My 30 Day Blogging Challenge continues.

The tag [TIME SAVED] shows you where a Virtual Assistant (such as Virtual Hand) can save you time by doing these elements. This allows you to do what you love in your business as well as what you are good at.

We love familiarity; it makes us feel warm inside, we recognise it and therefore are drawn to it (or away from it!) but when things become different to the norm we hesitate, retract, put up the defences. We need to warm up to things – remember when Microsoft bring out new software? See what I mean?

When you start to communicate with your customers, suppliers, potentials they get to learn about you, get to recognise how you look, how you sound and what you offer. If you are changing your voice, your products, your look they will become confused and not know who you are. Therefore the learning starts again and that journey to becoming a customer can take longer.

Branding is usually your first step to how you look – the colours, the images, the feel for your company. Taking that next step is your message – what are you saying and how are you saying it.


One way to keep that consistency is in your standardisation of your business communications.

  • Logo
  • Colours
  • Words
  • Phrases
  • Documents
    • Quotes
    • Proposals
    • Invoices
    • Emails
    • Letters
  • USPs
    • Turnaround times
    • Charges
    • Cancellations
    • Communication
    • Quality
    • Speed

Is your logo always in the top right or left – do you always sign off ‘Thanking you for your business support’ – do you always include a link to testimonials in your signature?

Having standards and standardisations help with your business persona, how people perceive you and how they can expect to be treated when working with you. They will be able to recognise you by your logo or even an image.

As your business grows these standards are part of your company ethos and new employees will be able to see them and you will have employed them because they match your values too. Growing will involve others who may not have the passion that you do or the investment in the outcomes so being able to replicate your standards will ensure you are not looking over your shoulder at all times or checking up on their communications. See my next blog on Processes which will tie all this together.

Here cometh the end of Number 20 – Standardisation!

Here’s a link to the Start in case you missed it.

Do have a look at all the other blogs I have written on Using a VA or Training specifically; you never know what you might find.

Whilst running your own business you can forget those little things that keep it ticking over. Sign up for your 5 minute challenge by email for 21 days. Where you can take action daily – for just 5 minutes – or multiples thereof, to build disciplines and take control.

Connect with Michelle on other platforms too: Learn how you can work with Virtual Hand; how your business can grow and how you can communicate better with your audience.