Take action – that’s the way forward – in all aspects of your life!

As you know I am a business owner but did you notice I’m also training for the London Marathon in 2014? First one so I am using a number of training programmes – my thoughts are if I don’t do one of them I can pick up the next one and do that – or just check that I’m ‘about right’.

Things are going well and have actually got the Silverstone (yes, round the track) Half Marathon at the beginning of March – so afterwards I can gage how I feel as I will only be half way to my target 26.2 miles for April! You can rest assured you won’t blink and miss me as I trundle past and I think hubby is bringing his ipad for something to do whilst I’m on my little run. I do hope he actually sees me run past at least once before I finish (it is three different laps as I can believe it would be a bit boring if it was the actual track – ooh we get to go in the pits too!)

I’m also a bit of a reader – used to read lots more when I was travelling to work on the bus; many years ago. I now wish I had used those 2 hours a day to read much better literature as now I don’t seem to be able to find the time to do much at all and have so many books to read.

However, I digress. I have recently read two books; one for business and one for running marathons.

Guess what, the titles are nearly the same – along the same lines, the same theme. It’s all about taking action. Brad obviously doesn’t beat around the bush and just says ‘Get Off Your Arse’; and twice too; whereas Dawn is a little more eloquent with ‘Get Off Your Butt …’Take action 1

It’s so true; how many times do we say: yep I’ll do that, in a minute, soon, I know it needs doing and still it’s not done? My advice is don’t think or say – just get up and do – or sit at the computer and do – or pick up the phone and do – or switch off the phone and do – ultimately, just do.

Easier said than done – I can tell you when that wind is blowing and the rain is coming down my running gear is not tantalising me at all; and then it’s too late and then another day has gone by and it’s not happened. Where’s that other training programme …

Nike definitely has it right – Just do it! – unfortunately I don’t wear Nike’s – maybe that’s where I’m going wrong.take action

What did you ‘Get off your …’ and do today?

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