Working for yourself can be tough. There are so many things that are outside of your control within your business and personal life – your clients, what others think of you and your business, the Facebook algorithms, etc.

But for all those areas that aren’t within your control, there are many that are. By focusing on those things, you’ll be giving your confidence and motivation a boost, whilst knowing you’re doing all you can to be the best you can be, and create the best business you can. So here are some key areas that are within your control.

You can control your to-do list

Your to-do list is an essential part of your business and something you control within your business. You can choose what you do on that list, as well as what goes on it, when you want to work on that task and how long you’ll be working on each task for. That simple list helps remind you that you’re the CEO of your own business, and it’s up to you to manage your time and hold yourself accountable to your goals.

Delegation of workload is something within your control

Whilst you’re managing your to-do list, you’ll naturally find yourself wanting to delegate tasks out to others – and that something else you control within your business. You can choose what tasks and actions you do – and that means also deciding if you even want to do a task yourself! And of course, you can then also decide if you want to delegate it out to someone else or scrap a task altogether!

How you spend your working day is up to you

The beauty of working for yourself is the freedom you gain. You can control when you work and when you switch off. The problem most business owners face is they often forget this! They often create a business that feels like it should always be open or should adhere to a traditional working day schedule. But 9-5 isn’t for everyone, and it doesn’t need to be either. You can control what your working day looks like and how it fits into your life.

Take control of the time you set aside for you

This is a big one for many business owners. They schedule everything in their working day but neglect to allocate time for themselves. Without you, there would be no business. The last thing you want to do is burn yourself out or make yourself ill, so allocate some time for yourself. Use this time to do what you love doing. Reading, learning, relaxing, walking, painting etc. – get yourself a hobby, so you have something to focus on that nurtures you in some way.

Your mind is within your control

If there’s one area that’s both essential to your business and well within your control, it’s your mind. How well you control your thought patterns and your self-talk will directly impact on how successful your business is. You can decide how you enrich your mindset, how you can train it and how you’re going to use it.

You have control over your health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing tend to get side-tracked when you work for yourself. However, both areas are ones you can control within your business and your personal life. You control your sleep frequency and pattern, as well as your exercise regime and your diet. But if you’re currently neglecting any of those areas, you’re not only doing yourself a disservice, but you’re also limiting your business success. Because without you, your business cannot exist. So if you’re looking for some help in these areas, here are 7 easy self-care tips for busy business owners and also some tips for avoiding burnout – just in case you need them.

The things above are all areas you can control within your business and life. It’s far too easy to get side-tracked and overwhelmed by all the things you can’t control, but there’s absolutely nothing you can do about them. It’s a much better idea to focus on those things that are within your control – some of which are listed above.

Because when you control those things, you’ll not only feel motivated and focused, but you’ll also know you’re doing all you can to help you and your business be the best they can be.

If you’re ready to take control of your business and personal life and would like a Virtual Assistant to help you achieve that, book in a call here. We can discuss your requirements and potential solutions and next steps and help illustrate how easily a Virtual Assistant can help you gain more control and growth in your business life!